Create a Fee Schedule

To create a Fee Schedule:

  1. Select Tables > Fee Schedules.

  2. Open a new Fee Schedule form by using any of the following options:

    • Click the New icon on the toolbar.
    • Select Form > New from the menu.
    • Use the keystroke shortcut Ctrl + N.

  3. In the Fee Schedule text box, type a 1-4 character code.
  4. In the Description text box, type a  1-99 character description.
  5. Spell check the form using any of the following options: 

    • Click the Spell Check icon on the toolbar.
    • Select Form > Spelling from the menu.
    • Use the keystroke shortcut F7.
  6. Save the schedule using any of the following options:

    • Click the Save icon on the toolbar.
    • Select Form > Save from the menu.
    • Use the keystroke shortcut Ctrl + S.
  1. Once the Fee Schedule is saved, the Timekeepers, Personnel Types and Task Codes icons become enabled.

     The Fee Schedule might be set up to use Timekeepers, Personnel Types or Task Codes.

  2. Click on the appropriate title below for steps, if the fee schedule has been setup with any of the following.


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